Between Oceans, Forests, and Volcanoes

Filed under: General — ungratefulhyenas @ 16:57


Amulepe taiñ weichan / The struggle continues

In the territories home to the Mapuche communities — whose lands have been seized by capitalist investors, disfigured by loggers, ravaged by energy companies, polluted by industrialists and colonized by accomplices of the Chilean state — the last few decades have been marked by unrelenting struggle.

The radical Mapuche struggle inspires us for its continuity, for its categorical rejection of all state interference, for its relentless fight against exploitation and capitalist plundering, and for its choice of direct action against extractivism and the devastation of the land and the living. In a “lost” corner of the world, people with ways of living that are antagonistic to capitalism and statism are fighting to keep or regain every meter of land that has been taken over and exploited by corporations and the state. At a time when the consequences of the frenzied advance of the industrial and technological machine are increasingly felt worldwide, when climatic changes caused by industrialization could set into motion unprecedented scenarios which risk drastically reconfiguring the foundations of domination, this struggle could have implications well beyond the territory of Wallmapu.

This collection gathers texts from the Mapuche resistance in the territories under the domination of the Chilean state. Preceded by a historical analysis of the radical Mapuche struggle, these texts cover one year of struggle (from 2021 to 2022).

The original French edition was published in 2022 by La Souterraine, éditions anarchistes.

Online orders are available through Rupture. Ungrateful Hyenas also tables at anarchist bookfairs in the US and Canada .

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