Dekomposition – Für einen Aufstand ohne Avantgarde

Filed under: General — ungratefulhyenas @ 19:59

From Libri Felis Nigrae




Introduction to the German release

Tiqqunism or appelism was never able to gain as much traction in the German speaking area as in France. Nevertheless the “Coming Insurrection” created some hype and is occasionally used as an example of insurrectionary theory within discussion, whereas the criticism by anarchists is ignored. In recent years some pro-appelist publications and texts have appeared, which have thankfully sank into obscurity quite quickly. Traditionally, in local struggles, various post-autonomous cadavers take the role of “radical” recuperators and try to take control in self-organized struggles, as well as to impose their interpretative authority over them. Besides raising awareness of the fancy clothes in which the servants of power can appear, this is also where the importance of confronting recuperation in other territories lies: those responsible may differ, but the tactics are similar or even the same.

With this collection, Ungrateful Hyenas offered a contribution to understanding appelism in North America by collecting texts which are partly available in German, but have not been distributed for a few years. The other texts are unknown outside of interested circles and were newly translated to German from the English version. In contrast to the original, the chapter “A Composition” by Ungrateful Hyenas has been omitted, as it is a piecing together from and references texts that are not available in German.

The term “composition,” used repeatedly in the texts collected here, has been retained in German. The reason for this is, on the one hand, that it’s been several years since the translator has engaged with appelist texts so the memory of how this term was translated into German has faded, and any attempt to read texts from this perspective evokes nausea. On the other hand, the available German translations of pro-appelist texts are more of an example of bad, technological translations than a reference point. If you want to try to understand the concept of composition, you can read “The Strategy of Composition” by Ill Will Editions.

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